A Wine Lover’s New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year! With 2021 stretching out before us, we've set resolutions that will suit wine lovers everywhere perfectly - and none mention the gym. New Year's resolutions don't all have to be about shedding weight after all.

This year, why not make resolutions you'll love to sip to? As they say, life's too short to drink bad wine - so here are seven wine lovers New Year's resolutions to make the year ahead of us the best one yet. 

  1. Say yes to new wine. 

    It's easy to get into the habit of visiting the same Flower Mound bars and ordering the same wine time and time again. This year, resolve to expand your horizon with new tastes and experiences. The next time someone offers you a wine you've never heard of, say yes! 

  2. Improve your wine knowledge. 

    Wine terminology isn't something all winos gained overnight. The best way to improve your wine knowledge is to get out and drink more wine! Start with a handful of phrases and words, or ask our friendly wine sommelier what terms like terroir, palate, or biodynamic wine actually mean. Then impress some of your more experienced wine-friends the next time you meet up over a glass! 

  3. Support local merchants. 

    Supermarkets have a lot of power in the wine business and do a fine job delivering bottles to everyday consumers. But for wine lovers, this is simply not enough, especially when your New Year's resolutions include:

  • Tasting better wine.

  • Discovering new wine regions to visit.

  • Branching out from your usual picks.

    On the other hand, a local merchant or Flower Mound bars offers us much more interesting wine collections and experiences. 

    4. Go on a wine tasting date. 

    Whether it's visiting a vineyard or bringing a significant other to Rustico for a wine and dinner date, trying new wine together is an exciting shared experience that will bring you closer together. 

    5. Choose quality over quantity. 

    Instead of buying three bottles for $10 each, try a $30 bottle and see if it agrees with your taste buds. You might just fall in love! Plus, better drinking quality wine earns the reward of fewer calories and fewer/better hangovers. 

    6. Drink local wine. 

    Worldly wine regions abound, but have you tried drinking wine produced locally? Typically, locally produced wine goes exceptionally well with local produce and dishes made in that region, making wine and food matching a breeze! 

    7. Discover great food and wine pairings. 

    There is nothing quite as blissful as a perfect wine and food match. This year, discover great food and wine pairings at Flower Mound bars like Rustico, where you will enjoy one-of-a-kind dishes and expert wine recommendations from our in-house sommelier. Your tastebuds will thank you!

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