Learn How to Taste Wine The Right Way in Flower Mound

When it comes to wines, there happens to be a whole culture around them. You have the drinkers who just love to have a classic glass of red wine. You have the super casual wine drinkers who only pop open the bottle once a year. And then you have the passionate ones who treat tasting wine like a hobby. It’s safe to say that you may have heard of wine tasting too, but how exactly do you do it?


Once you master wine tasting you may want to move onto Food in flower mound. But first, let’s take a look at the first step to wine tasting and that’s looking at the wine. In tasting wine, it’s important to get a feel for the look of the drink, how does it stand under the light? Do you see anything floating around or is clear like juice? This step can actually be important in setting yourself up for the taste as our brains can be reactive to what we see.


Wine tasting can actually be a fun activity for Happy hour flower mound. But first, you’ll want to nail the second step of smelling the wine before tasting. Smelling the wine can pick up key flavors before your tongue even touches the drink. You may be able to detect what fruits are in the wine or other ingredients. But the key isn’t to guess the ingredients outright, you should take a generic approach to smell the wine. What are the general aromas? Do you smell citrus? Orchards? When you get really good at it, you may be able to detect the age of the wine.


There’s nothing like a good steak in flower mound, and wine can be a great addition to that steak sauce. Now comes the time where you can actually taste the wine. Here, you should of course be focusing on the taste first and foremost. Is the wine bitter? Salty? Sweet? Once you have that down, you can move onto the texture of the wine. When you look into texture, you should get the sensation of your tongue touching the wine. Closing your eyes may help to do this.

Form an opinion

Wine tasting isn’t much like opening that grill in flower mound, it comes with a bit of technique. And now that you’ve learned some of them, you can start to form your opinion on the wine. After combining all the sensations, what’s the verdict? Does the texture compliment the taste? Is the wine too acidic? Only you can be the judge because now you know what goes into proper wine tasting.

Are you dying to get out there are try some new wines this season? Sick and tired of the same old red and white? Then come on down to Rustico and give your taste buds a party with our assortment of wines and cocktails today!