Turn Back to School into a Celebration with Rustico

We wait all year for the winter coats to get stuffed into the closet, the pool covers to come off and that final trip home from picking up the kids from school. Sadly, as long as it takes to get to the Summer, it’s gone before we know it, and suddenly the back-to-school commercials are back on tv and you’re shopping for supplies. It can be a pretty dull time, to say the least. And when it comes to back to school, the kids aren’t always excited either. That’s where Rustic comes in. Instead of looking at back school like a chore, look at it as a celebration and enjoy some good food and drinks with Rustico!

A night out with the kids

Food in Flower Mound always tastes so much better when you’re celebrating. When you take the kids out to Rustico and treat them to some of our fine menu items, it takes the dream out of having to say goodbye to the Summer. Going to dinner shouldn’t be just reserved for the end of the school year and graduations, no. You can celebrate starting the new year and advancing, make it fun, make it Rustico.

Night out for the adults

Want to leave the kids at home and instead enjoy a steak In Flower Mound? That’s perfectly okay too as sometimes, the adults need a little get a way from the kids too. Just because the Summer is on it’s way out doesn’t mean you have to wait until Labor Day to get one last good night of food in. Make it a celebration instead. Celebrate for the adults with something like Happy Hour in Flower Mound and take advantage of Rustico’s wide array of drinks.

A back-to-school celebration

Eat some food from the Grill in Flower Mound and celebrate back to school at Rustico. Not only is our food a favorite amongst our guests but our drinks mixed with our lively atmosphere always make it feel like a party. Remember, back-to-school doesn’t only have to be about getting supplies, checking things off a checklist, and getting ready for over half of a year of homework. It can be a celebration of achievement, life, good food, and most importantly—family!